
The Corona Crucible – Fri 17th July

World 13.9 million    Brazil 2 million         India 1 million

Given the current surge in cases and second lockdown in Victoria, I can’t see how the federal government can possibly stop the JobKeeper scheme in September. With so many businesses closed and people out of work around Australia the government is under pressure to permanently increase the JobSeeker payment too. Unemployment benefits were only increased temporarily in response to the pandemic shutdown.

The debacle over the unlawful Robo-debt scheme where the government tried to recoup welfare overpayments that did not exist, illustrates their lack of compassion for the unemployed. This scheme created additional anxiety for those out of work and tragically led to a number of suicides.  The federal government has still not repaid the money it stole from over 300,000 people. A class action against the government is due to go to trial in September, just when current coronavirus financial support system is due to cease.

Scott Morrison has apologised for any ‘hurt or harm’ caused by Robo-debt, but still holds to his right-wing mantra and ignores the fact that many large corporations have for decades avoided paying any tax at all, while at the same time his government has spent years forcing welfare recipients below the poverty line.

‘I think all Australians would agree that it’s important that if there are overpayments of welfare or other things like that, then the government has to be diligent about taxpayers funds and make sure that we recover moneys where it’s right to do so,’ Mr Morrison said.

I don’t deny that the government has provided a huge level of support via JobKeeper and other support packages during the pandemic, but if support ceases in September, this is going to make matters far worse than they are now.

Victoria recorded another 428 cases overnight. Another record daily high. Surely this upward surge has to flatten soon. If not the government will have to bring in Stage Four soon.