
The Corona Crucible – Mon 24th August

World 23.5 million    Ukraine 100K+          Israel 100K+

There is still no answer as to how the virus popped up again in New Zealand. It may have travelled there in cold storage from overseas, and if so, this has major implications for global trade. If true, this is will potentially affect food security.

When we think of people who lack food and basic nutrition, we tend to think of famines in third world countries, but millions of Americans are struggling to get enough to eat too. Such is the state of dysfunction across the US, many people rely on charity food parcels.

Should food exports and imports be affected by the virus, here in Australia we have enough locally produced food to sustain us, but the implications are dire for many.

Ukraine and Israel have now recorded over 100,000 cases of COVID-19, bringing the number of countries to reach that number to 30. Australia has recorded almost 25,000.

COVID-19 data for the past 24 hours here in Victoria totalled 116 new cases, the lowest number since early July. There were fewer tests, around 14,800 probably owing to the cold wet weather. Even so, the number of positive tests is under one percent. I think we can all be more optimistic about getting out of stage four lockdown in three weeks.