
The Corona Crucible – Tues 1st September

World 25.6 million    Iran 375K+     Iraq 230K+    

Since this pandemic began in March, I’ve written over 50,000 words in this blog. It’s been a good ritual in a way, keeping up to date with reputable news reports and stories both good and sad. I was a journalist for a while in the 90s and I have always enjoyed non-fiction writing. All my articles and books are non-fiction. Most are in depth astrology pieces, but this is the first time I have written a daily blog. I’m not sure why, but I’ve found it therapeutic.

Most of my writing friends are fiction writers and many have said that they have struggled to find inspiration in the shadow of COVID, maybe it’s different for fiction writers? In any case, I plan to keep writing this blog at least until the end of the year. It will be interesting to see what happens with the US elections in November. Heaven help the US and the rest of the planet if the Mad Old PR Nut is re-elected.

Today’s figures for Victoria are 70 new cases and five more fatalities.